Global company registration and value-added services
Diverse registration options: Set up companies in Hong Kong and multiple overseas offshore locations to enjoy tax benefits and privacy protection.
One-stop corporate services: covering company establishment, secretarial services, annual renewal, consulting and outsourcing human resources.
Customized follow-up support: professional services such as trademark registration, web development, business card printing and accounting review to enhance competitiveness.
Professional team support: Familiar with local company regulations and tax systems, providing all-round support.
1 day
2 days
3 days
Select region
Customers can choose to set up companies in different regions and enjoy their respective regional advantages.
Decide on company name
After choosing a name, you can call or email us and we will immediately search the name and confirm whether it can be adopted.
Provide information documents
Customers can make an appointment to arrive at our company in person to submit and sign the establishment documents; or send their identity documents and address proof to us via Whatsapp or email
Customers can pay via ATM/cash/credit card* (credit card will charge an additional 5% handling fee)
Issues official certificates
Electronic versions of the Certificate of Incorporation (CI) and Business Registration Certificate (BR) can be issued within one day
Green box set with seals
Customers can come to our company in person or arrange for a courier company to collect them.